Exploration Restricted Areas

Section 11 of the Exploration Regulations 284/2006, identifies areas of Alberta have prohibitions and restrictions on the conduct of geophysical exploration. As restricted areas have increased in number since the inception of the Exploration Regulation, these areas of Alberta are now delineated, described and posted on this web page.

Please note

All road allowances, highways, and public roads lying within or adjacent to any of the above described lands are included within the restricted areas.

If any discrepancy exists between a decsription of an area of Alberta and the map or outlining of that area, the description of the area prevails.

Exploration Restricted Areas Search

Proceding with a search for any Restricted Area infers agreement to the terms and conditions set out in these Copyright and Disclaimer statements:


You are given permission to print a hard copy of maps or download the files as required for your reference.

The storing of this information in any retrieval system, reproduction or propagation and distribution of any information from this site is strictly prohibited.

Proceeding beyond this Copyright Statement constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions.


Information at this site is provided solely for the user's information and, while thought to be accurate, is provided strictly "as is" and without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.

The onus is on the company/individual to verify the location of the restricted area. The Crown, its agents, employees or contractors will not be liable to you for any damages, direct or indirect, or lost profits or data arising out of your use of information provided at this site.

Exploration Restricted Areas are also subject to change without notification.

Proceeding beyond this disclaimer constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions.


PSP Contacts

Canadian Forest Service
Jim Stewart

780 435-7224
780 435-7359
Email: jstewart@NRCan.gc.ca

Foothills Growth and Yield Association
Bruce Nielsen
Field Coordinator

780 706-2188
780 720-2402
Email: bruce@wfmiconsulting.com

Foothills Model Forest Natural Disturbance Research Program
Kris McCleary
Coordinator, Disturbance Program

780 865-8218
780 865-8331
Email: Kris.McCleary@gov.ab.ca

Forest Management Branch
Darren Aitkin

780 644-5581
780 427-0085
Email: Darren.Aitkin@gov.ab.ca

Rangeland Management Branch
Mike Willoughby
General Range Reference Program

780 422-4598
780 722-0454
Email: mike.willoughby@gov.ab.ca

Government of Alberta

Office hours:
Monday - Friday 0815 - 1200 and 1300 - 1630 hours

Edmonton Office, Forest Management Branch
Agriculture and Forestry

9920-108 Street, 8th Floor
Edmonton AB T5K 2M4
Phone: 780 427-8474
Fax: 780 427-0084

Smokey Lake Office
Alberta Tree Improvement and Seed Centre

Agriculture and Forestry

PO Box 750
Smoky Lake AB T0A 3CO
Phone: 780 656-5072
Fax: 780 656-2120

Government of Canada

Natural Resources Canada
Canadian Forest Service

Northern Forestry Centre


5320 - 122 Street
Edmonton AB T6H 3S5
Phone: 780 435-7210
Fax: 780 435-7359

Foothills Model Forest

Foothills Growth and Yield Association
Environmental Training Centre

Box 6330
Hinton AB T7V 1X6
Phone: 780 865-8330 or 780 865-8290
Fax: 780 865-8331

Updated: Aug 22, 2016