Will you be using the calculator results as part of a submission for a regulatory approval?
Yes No
Section: TWP: Rge: W:
Lot: Block: Plan:
Name of Applicant:
Mailing Address:
Name of Authorized Representative (if not same as Applicant):
Bank Height: (1) <0.3 m (2) 0.3 – 1.5 m (3) 1.5 – 3 m (4) 3 – 6 m (5) > 6 m
Bank Vegetation: (0) Bank composed of rocky outcropping unable to support vegetation (1) Dense vegetation, upland trees, shrubs and grasses (4) Clumps of vegetation alternating with areas lacking vegetation (7) Lack of vegetation (cleared), crop or agricultural land
Influence of Adjacent Structures: (0) No hard armouring (HA) on either adjacent property (AP) (1) HA on one AP (2) HA on both APs (3) HA on one AP with measurable recession (4) HA on both APs with measurable recession adjacent to both structures
Bank Stability / Riparian Vegetation: (0) Other natural features prevents establishment of vegetation. (0) Moderate to dense canopy trees with moderate to dense natural shrub layer (1) Few canopy trees with moderate to dense natural shrub layer. (1) Moderate to dense natural ground vege. + canopy trees (shrub layer substantially reduced) (4) Established lawn with moderate to dense canopy trees (7) Established lawn with few canopy trees
Shoreline Geometry: (1) Coves or bays (4) Irregular shoreline or straight shoreline (8) Headland, point, or island
Boat Wakes: (1) Slow boat use and no water skiing or wake boarding (6) Open to but far from water skiing, wake boarding and fast boat use (12) Close to wake boarding area, water skiing and fast boat use
Select Lake region: Edmonton Region Red Deer Region Cold Lake Region Lac La Biche Region Slave Lake Region
Enter Depth at 6m from shore (m):
Enter Depth at 30m from shore (m):
Enter Fetch length (km):
Enter Shore Orientation (°):
Aquatic Vegetation: (0) None (0) Sparse or sub-mergent (-1) Moderate or Scattered Patches (-2) Dense or Abundant
Bank Composition: (0) Bedrock or Armoured (manmade and boulder shores) (1) Hard Till (does not break up easily with a shovel), cobbles (2) Loose Till (breaks up easily with a shovel) (3) Loose Sands, Silts, Topsoil (4) Organics (marsh, ooze) (5) Loess (dunes)
Bank slope: (0) Shallower than 5 degrees (1) Between 5 and 25 degrees (2) Between 25 and 45 degrees (4) Steeper than 45 degrees
PART A score:
PART B & C score:
Total score:
Erosion potential:
Updated: Jan 16, 2018